What I See A Lot On Pinterest - Colorful Sofas
Lately, I am not a fan of neutral sofas. Every single interior…
Tips For Better Interior Photography - Straightening and Aligning Lines
If you want to take good interior photography, you need to master…
One Room Challenge, Week 6 - Kids' Room -The Big Reveal
So, I have been participating in this challenge called the…
ORC - Week 5 - Building And Fixing Furniture
One Room Challenge - Week 5 -
For previous weeks, click here: Week…
Snooping On Etsy - Wallpaper For The Nursery
As you might know, I have been working on my kids’ bedroom…
One Room Challenge - Week 4 - Art And Troubles
This week of the One Room Challenge has been about choosing…
ORC - Jest Cafe - Wk3 - Painting Furniture
This week, for the One Room Challenge, I had to make decisions…
ORC - Jest Cafe - Wk 2 - Kids' Room
Here we go…One Room Challenge - Week 2 As a fun summary,…