Let Us Be Inspired By – David Hicks

I like to look at the work of old designers and discover the beauty of their details and point of view. David Hicks’ taste is probably over the top for some people today but his influence is everywhere. So much boldness in one room!

A couple of facts: David Hicks was one of the top interior designers of the 60’s and 70’s. He was known for his use of clashing colors, geometrical patterns, and the mix of old and new pieces. I will pay you $1,000 if you find a floral pattern in his work. He would choose a hue for a room and then choose wall color, rugs, and fabrics based on it. The results are bold and urban. There was nothing humble about Hicks.

In the first two pictures, you can see modern spaces using his classic honeycomb pattern and his classic vase wallpaper. Nowadays, you regularly find his honeycomb pattern influence in many rugs, fabrics, and wallpapers. Also, his own vase wallpaper can be found in many different colors, look at how it transforms the space below. The rest of the pictures show spaces that Hicks decorated himself.

Lesson learned, David Hicks!








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Sources: 1234 56 78910 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14

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Let Us Visit Some Homes- Balearic Islands

The Mediterranean Style is so clean and simple with its stucco walls, wrought iron gates and carved entry doors. Many homes in the Balearic Islands have adapted this style into a rustic, summery, cottage feeling. I was looking at Luis Galliussi’s summer home in Ibiza in the AD website and I found it so perfect. Unpretentious, natural, minimalist, and calming.

So much creativity in the decorative details: the use of nature-like flowers, sticks, or rocks, the mix of new and old – sophisticated rural touches that show how imagination can transform the mundane into art.

I like the white stucco walls with the very light grey tile floors and the bursts of color throughout the house. A lot of houses in Ibiza, Formentera, and Majorca follow this pattern and the most simple objects become means of decoration.

Here are some beautiful houses to get you inspired. I know I would love to have a home like one of these!

  1. Luis Galliussi’s Home in Ibiza

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2. A house in Formentera

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  3. Nani Marquina’s Home in Ibiza

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4. A house in Menorca

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5. A Farmhouse in Ibiza




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What I See A Lot On Pinterest – Eames Chairs

When I see the same furniture pieces over and over in Pinterest or design magazines I get curious. And when I get curious I do fact lists, and when I do fact lists I might as well share them with the world.

Let’s start with the basics: Eames Chairs. They are everywhere. I wonder if you can call yourself a designer unless you have placed one of these chairs in one of your projects. My answer is probably not. The thing is that, for a couple that wanted to do affordable furniture for the masses, a $400 dining/desk chair does not fit the profile, but boy are they cute!

There are two authorized manufacturers of Eames products: Herman Miller, Inc (US) and Vitra International (Europe). You can find legal knock offs by other brands in case you don’t want to spend so much. Just pretend they are Eames and stay quiet. The ugly truth is that 90% of people will never be able to tell. The thing is that for most of us spending $400 for a dining chair is unthinkable, but I still want to have a nice house with nice things, so maybe I will buy the $100 very similar, almost identical, I can’t tell the difference chair and dream of getting the real one when I become a millionaire after playing Blackjack in Vegas. Totally plausible.

Well, here’s to Vegas! And here’s. a short list of the Eames chairs I see most often.

  • The Eames Fiberglass Armchairphoto_gallery_eames_molded_plastic_side_chair_23

This chair is everywhere. It seems that no dining room is worth eating in if you don’t have at least four, and, no nursery is baby worthy without the rocking version. As a quick summary, Charles and Ray Eames designed this chair around 1950 for the ‘International Competition for Low-Cost Furniture Design,’ sponsored by the Museum of Modern Art. The chair comes in different color and bases.

Here are some pictures.






  • Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman


Most humans don’t know what a Eames chair is, let’s be realistic, but everybody living in LA has at least seen an Eames Lounge Chair at some point. I love our white lounge knock off that my husband bought in a thrift store for $100 15 years ago and then I took to reupholster in white for $450 last year. It was the most beautiful piece in my living room until my son decided to paint the ottoman with a black Sharpie (I am not kidding!!!). Now I feel much better about not buying the real $4,800 version.

Look how cool all these places look thanks to this one piece of furniture:





  • Eames Lounge Chair Wood (LCW)



This chair won the Museum of Modern Art’s “Organic Design in Home Furnishings Competition” in 1940 and it was named the greatest design of the 20th century by Time Magazine. It is the result of a process that is able to mold thin sheets of veneer into gently curved shapes. The Eameses experimented with plywood for years before being able to mold it and shape these chairs for mass production.

The cheapest non-upholstered version is $869 a piece. It comes in many colors and materials. Look at this wide range of alternatives for home design:


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The shelves in the office space are custom made perfectly matching the two Eames chairs below.

tumblr_mf1rmbSUlG1qf0xk3o1_500LWC brown loft

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