Austin, Texas Is As Good As It Gets

jestcafe.coom-austin30I went to Austin last weekend for work and I really, really liked it. People always have amazing things to say about this city so I was afraid my expectations were too high, but they weren’t. This place did not disappoint.

We were lucky to be there when the university was on vacation and places were not crowded. The weather was perfect (I hear the summer is excruciatingly hot) and the whole trip was incredible. What surprised me the most about this city was how laid back everybody is. There is a lot less attitude than in LA. Also, people are really into decor! All the places we went to were beautifully decorated. South Congress, for example, has many corners with beautiful murals and cute restaurants. in Austin is off the hook! We went to so many amazing restaurants. My personal favorite was Launderette – if you happen to go there do not skip dessert, or I will personally scold you Josephine House was my favorite breakfast place. It was strange, because this restaurant is in the middle of a suburban area, with no other businesses around, so I didn’t know what to expect – well, it was heaven. The best part about eating out in Austin (aside from the food) was that we could get into all places without a reservation. I am so used to LA by now where everything is busy and crowded, that I really liked the break from stressing out about making reservations three days in advance.
jestcafe.coom-austin31 tried going to the Barton Springs but they were closed because of flooding… boohoo. Still I was able to snap this photo from far away. jestcafe.coom-austin37We decided to walk around the park instead. I had no idea Austin was so lush. you go to Texas, you NEED to go to a cowboy boots store and be very touristy by trying everything even if you are not interested in buying. It will make you feel cooler by osmosis.’s Tacos has the best cheese salsa for chips. The tacos were good but I wasn’t that impressed. I guess if it is good enough for Obama is good enough for me. jestcafe.coom-austin34 jestcafe.coom-austin32Café No Sé was gorgeous. Even if you are not hungry, go here for the decor and the ice cream. You can always fit some ice cream inside of a full stomach.’s, one of the most beautiful bars I have ever been to. Tall ceilings, vintage decor, and a big outdoor area made this one my favorite bar.

I can’t finish this post without saying that the music scene is as good as they say. The weekend we were there, we found many festivals and bars with all kinds of music. Very cool.

Other places I liked in Austin were Coopers for barbecue, and the South Congress bridge at sunset, where you can see close to a million bats flying out to find food.


Thanks, Austin, you are awesome!


Also, a post about my trip to Chile, our trip to Costa Rica, and, the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena.


Let Us Connect:

Cemetery Of Punta Arenas, Chile.


As I mentioned in this post, I was in Chile last week. I visited my dad in Punta Arenas. He was sick so I wanted to spend some time with him.

Punta Arenas is a beautiful city, far away from the rest of the world. I feel so lucky to have been born and raised there, and going back is a reminder of how big the world is and how small our lives are (this sounds a little bit more depressing than I wanted it to sound), meaning that going back to our roots helps gaining perspective on what is important in life. I am lucky to have this place that reminds me not to take myself too seriously.

One of my favorite places in Punta Arenas is the cemetery. The most beautiful cemetery I have ever been in my life. It is almost 10 acres, and it was opened on 1894. It is filled with magic places and details. Most tombs are well taking care for, and some are very old.

Every time I visit Punta Arenas, I end up in the cemetery. You might think this is odd, but it is very peaceful and  filled with photo opportunities. For starters, it has many cone shape cypress trees that bring green to about everywhere you look, which is unusual for a cemetery this old. Also, it has many sculptures, buildings and decorations that are fun to photograph. Every corner of this place is magic and has some kind of surprise.

Growing up, my house was only one block away from the cemetery, so we used to visit all the time. It was the perfect place to go and have some adventures with friends. Very calm and safe… a small door to grief and hope.

Here are some photos in case you want to see. Have a great day!

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A Week In Chile – Santiago and Concepción

I am in Chile this week visiting my dad that is sick. I am heading to Punta Arenas to see him, the most southern city in the American continent – try to locate it on a map… should be fun.

I am traveling solo, no kids, and no husband. It feels weird and liberating. A 13 hrs flight is NOTHING when there are no children to take care of, don’t you think?

The original idea for this trip was to do a photographic project with my dad, but I don’t think we will be able to do it – a reminder of letting go of expectations – which is, for me, the lesson of 2016 so far.

My visits to Chile are always very busy. I have many things going on with family and friends, but this time around I am coming for a short time so I won’t be able to see a lot of people. It is funny, when I am down here it feels that I am living two lives instead of one. It is hard to believe I have been here for only some days because so many things have happened: I visited my sisters and my mom in Santiago and Concepción, I got the stomach flu (can you believe it!?), attended parties, ate empanadas, bought souvenirs, and flew to Punta Arenas.. Trying to fit everything in is the hardest part of coming to Chile.

Here are some photos of my days in Santiago and Concepción, in case you want to see. wouldn’t know, but bread is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G in Chile. If you ever come here you need to eat hallullas and marraquetas with butter or avocado. That is a chilean breakfast for you. I thought this chair was kind of cool. I liked the color needed to get some chilean handcrafts so I headed to the “Pueblito Los Dominicos” in This sign for the gentleman’s bathroom is so cool- bronze, vintage, Spanish… right up my alley. These planters are big and cheap. You can paint them in any color you want if you don’t like the terra-cotta – so much potential! Do you spot the plane’s shadow on those clouds? Every single house and building in downtown Concepción has something written on it – mainly poems or political Piano mom, my sisters and I. Sometimes I wonder if I was changed at the hospital when I was born, as I am twice their size and dark -but I was not. My dad and grandmother are proof of that.

Thanks for stopping by,

Let Us Connect:

Life Lately, March 2016 We went skiing to Big Bear back in January. It was the first time for Víctor and Max, and they both loved it. How could they not? There was plenty of snow and 60 degrees weather… only in California.

Max just turned 2 in October, so I didn’t think he would be able to go skiing. It was my brother, a ski instructor, the one that recommended taking him, and he was right. George and I are good skiers, so it was easy to carry Max between our legs. He was not able to ski on his own, but he still enjoyed the whole things as much as Víctor did. The best part was that we didn’t need a babysitter! We were able to ski all day together as a family.

From all the ski centers we went to, we liked skiing at Snow Valley the best. It is a smaller mountain, easy to access and with no lift lines. It is perfect when you are skiing with small children that need to go to the bathroom (or take a break) at any moment in time. at this little one on his mini-skies! People were so surprised to see him going down the mountain with us. He is a tiny creature! He was, without a doubt, the youngest kid on the mountain that weekend. here he is in the middle of Snow Summit mountain… totally exhausted. well deserved meal. I have never seen my kids eat so Big Bear Village is a cute little town with nice restaurants and coffee shops. After spending the day skiing, it was fun to go there to have dinner and relax a little bit. couldn’t make it through dinner. ha! in LA,  Max’s favorite hobby is eating ice cream. This is a picture of Salt & Straw, one the best creameries on the west side. Hi there, Víctor! Did I mention Max can read? Not really, but he looks super smart here. found this picture of George when he was 25 years old, so very cute, and he still has that jacket!! and my friend’s son, baby Andrew! As some of you know, I have been obsessed with the Flower Market in DTLA. I have been there almost every weekend for the last 2 months. I know the vendors, the flowers, the smell. I love it so much, I am always finding new excuses to go., Max! Victor being very helpful – decorating for More ice cream!!!  and filthy children. are a lot of hugs and kisses going around in our house. Here is me trying to take a picture for my profile. George thinks is too cold. I kind of agree so I am just posting it here. Also, as you can see, I am not a fan of makeup. Eating at Maple Block Meat, the best meat restaurant in Culver City. It is just Max and I spending our Tuesdays brunch at S + W Country Diner in Culver City. This place is so good it gets crowded 10 minutes after opening. You need to be there early! BONUS: Lots of  toys for kids to play with. Perfect! My friend Sarah celebrated her birthday at the Commissary in the Line Hotel. We had brunch with friends in this gorgeous place. It was fun! and the only hip thing I have done in the last 3 months, so I am sharing it here. Another proof that I am not into makeup. favorite part of the Commissary was the mismatch-vintage dinnerware they have. Look at this beautiful coffee cup I got! you enjoyed the photos! Have a wonderful day!

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Photos Of Playa Carrillo, Costa Rica

When we went to Costa Rica last January we stayed in two places: Manuel Antonio and Playa Carrillo. A couple of weeks ago I posted photos of our stay in Manuel Antonio, so now I am posting the pictures of our second and last leg of our trip to Costa Rica: Carrillo.

Playa Carrillo was special. There are not as many tourists, nor people, so it was easier to unwind. We stayed at Guanamar Hotel, just one minute away from the beach where we spent most of our time. At Playa Carrillo, the time slowed down and we were able to feel that relaxation that comes when you are able to disconnect from the world.

We stayed here 6 days, and took some daily trips to other places like Samara or Punta Islita. The kids enjoyed the beach and the ocean throughly. Again, I really recommend traveling with other families with children! Kids have so much more fun when they can play freely with others their own age. Victor had no fear of the ocean and was constantly building one sand castle or the other. Max, on the other hand, loved the ocean the most but hated to get his eyes wet, so that was tricky.

Here are some pictures of Playa Carrillo: we talk sexy, please? Here is George looking effortlessly cute, as are a couple of pictures of  Samara. Samara is a small town located only 20 minutes away from Playa Carrillo. It is charming and it has some good restaurants. I liked the Carrillo beach better, but it was nice to go to Samara in the evenings to grab something to eat after spending the whole day at the beach. took a day trip to Punta Islita beach and stayed all day at the Punta Islita Resort, just in front of the beach. It was only 40 minutes away from Playa Carrillo.

When we got there we realized we were in heaven. The resort was gorgeous and it had a swimming pool just 100 feet away from the beach. Perfect for children. We also had easy access to food and drinks all day. It was perfection. I highly recommend it.

Here is a picture that shows our feelings about that day (and the one family photo we have- literally): Look at that blue. Isn’t it beautiful? is Víctor waiting for breakfast and being very, very charming at the restaurant of the Guanamar Hotel, in Playa days in Costa Rica involved a lot of sun, water, fruit, fish and

Costa Rica was perfect. I loved the connection I had with my children and family, with my friends and nieces/nephews, and life. Traveling takes me back to the center of what is important and it reminds me of how big the world is and how much I want to be part of it.

Life is beautiful! Hope you liked the pictures and thanks for stopping by.

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