Snooping On Etsy – Holiday Décor

Holiday décor is beautiful! I like buying decorations the day after Christmas and save them for next year. This practice has saved me hundreds of dollars, while allowing me to buy gorgeous stuff from expensive stores with a 75% discount tag. I am so thrifty! And I feel so proud when I get these deals! I almost feel like I am outsmarting the system, until I go to the stores and realize that a lot of the decorations I wanted are sold out. Darn! Catch 22, people, Catch 22.

While I wait for these discounts to happen, I indulge on Etsy. There is great Holiday décor on Etsy, and it is nice to know you are helping small businesses while you shop.

Here are some of my favorites Holiday decorations from this site:

Plaster Pinecone Decoration – Kuber Store – $ Tree Decor – Reclaim The Shed -$ Christmas Ornament -Fairy Folk – $ Tree Decoration – Flora Sense – $ Decorations – Prince Design UK – $ Tree Table Top – Flora Sense – $ Tree Decorations – Julie Collings – $ Snowflake Ornament – Timber Green Woods – $ Tabletop Decor – Lobelle shop – $20 Tree Ornament – Soft Concrete Diamond Ornament – Ink Bandit – $ Cooper Ornament – Bookity – $ Polar Bear Ornament – Wild Whimsy Woolies – $ Dove Decorations – Prince Design UK – $

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Snooping On Etsy – Woven Wall Hangings

Woven Wall Hangings are a thing. If you don’t believe me, look at these pictures. Coco + Sponge

Bohemian Diesel

Cute, don’t you think? A little rustic, a little sophisticated, and, a lot unpretentious.

It is not easy to find the perfect piece to decorate your wall. Pictures are obviously a good start, but you need to add other kinds of decorations to spice your home up. At least, that is why I like to do. A woven or macramé wall hanging is a great place to start. They are trending, they are beautiful, they can use a lot of wall space, and, they add texture to your home, which is something so many of us forget to do.

So, in my search for beautiful things around the web, I decided to look on my best shopping friend website, Etsy, where I found a lot of shops with beautiful handmade wall hangings, as expected.

Here are my favorite shops, if you know of another one, let me know! I would love to hear. A lot of these shops will customize a wall hanging to your needs, in case you want something more specific.

Of course, if you are up for a challenge, you can do your own woven wall hanging. Here is how.

Now, to that shop list:

The Juju Just the Oak Tree and Hunter Studios

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Craft & Folk Art Museum – Shop

One of my favorite things about a museum is the gift store. There, I said it. Consider me shallow, or just honest, but I love browsing through the beautiful things they carry, almost as much as I like looking at the art or bones. In these stores I find things that are different, beautiful, and interesting. Also, I enjoy buying books about the exhibitions I just saw, this helps me remember the exhibition like a hoola girl souvenir helps me remember Hawaii and enjoy it again later on.

Short detour: After two kids my memory has taken a turn for the worst, and I am afraid I will soon lose my mind. It seems that just forgetting my keys and cell phones is not enough nowadays; my brain now wants to punish me by making me forget names and stories I used to know and that made me feel smart. I blame the sleep deprivation. Is there anybody else out there losing his or her neurons? Or is it just me? Is my brain going to come back? Or, am I going to have dulled thinking abilities for the rest of my life? Please, let me know if you have the same issues. –End of the detour

In any case, buying books or beautiful things that remind me later of that particular visit to the museum, which otherwise blends and disappears into all the other visits to the museums, helping me stay engaged and connected with the art – or bones, I suppose, long after the visit.

A month ago, I went to the Craft & Folk Art Museum to see the Chris Francis shoe exhibition, which was amazing. Sadly, it has ended already so, if you didn’t make it, you missed your window of opportunity. In any case, after seeing the exhibition, I made my way to the shop, my happy place, and discovered one of the most beautifully curated museum shops in LA, and believe me, I know, as I have been in almost all of them several times.

It is a small shop, but it has handpicked items that go hand-in-hand with its mission of showcasing hand-made designs. They are beautiful, simple and a pleasure to look at.

Here are some of them, and, as you can see, they are not terribly expensive. What do you think? Do you have a favorite item?

Mt. Washington Blue Bell – $ Mt. Washington Pottery White Bell – $ Brass Salad Servers – $ Iringa Basket – $ Telephone Wire Woven Basket – $ Dani Ban Lotus Earrings – $ WV Craftworks Indigo Stripe Coffee Mug – $ Chan Natural Dyed Scarf – $ Fait La Force Whale – $ Wooldbuddy Neddle Felting Kit – $ Tagua Nut Necklace – $

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Vintage Jest Cafe Store Is Open For Business On Etsy and Ebay

My Etsy and Ebay shops are open for business! Those who know me, know I am always searching for treasures in Estate Sales, Garage Sales, Thrift Stores and Flea Markets! I have always loved beautiful things and I love spotting a forgotten treasure – so I thought I could make a small business out of this obsession of mine, hence, the Vintage Jest Cafe Store was born! Check out these cool things on Etsy, and, if you like anything, please, don’t forget to press “favorite” to my shop or item. I will be forever grateful and in debt for your wonderful support.

I am starting to figure all this “Etsy” stuff out, but something I learned already is that not everything I want to list can be listed on Etsy (you can only sell handmade or vintage items in there), so I had to create an Ebay shop for other newer and still beautiful finds. Here is my Ebay store, in case you want to look at it. There are some chairs in there that are a TOTAL steal.

Now, it does give me a little bit of anxiety to sell some of these cute things because I LOVE them so much. Like the yellow chairs, or the oil painting, or the framed bird prints with pink matte. The bird prints give me special anxiety because they are supposed to be for my future daughter’s nursery that exists in my dreams, but the truth is that I am not about to have another child (sad thoughts for me) or, even if I have one, he won’t be a girl, so, why keep on hoarding beautiful things when I can sell them and go and buy MORE beautiful things with the profits! Sounds like heaven to me, and a good excuse to get out of my house by myself every single Sunday morning (thank you, Georgie!)

In the meantime, I would really appreciate any feedback, so please, email me at milamoragaholz(at) with any comments you have. I am curious to know of any ways to make the store or this site more beautiful, entertaining, and appealing. Let me know. I will get back to you.

Here are some pictures of my Etsy and Ebay store. There is not a lot yet, I need to build up my portfolio, but, I thought I would just get started with what I have.

Thanks for reading!

Vintage Jest Cafe Etsy Store







Vintage Jest Cafe Ebay Store





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Snooping on Etsy – Art for the Nursery

So, what is the best art for a nursery? I would say whimsical, little bit dreamy, and affordable. Something that transports you to the world of a child, a world of imagination, color, and wonder -while still being tasteful to adults who might stagger in to change a diaper.. Now, where to find art like this? Well, Etsy, of course. There are a lot of independent illustrators all over the world showcasing their beautiful work on Etsy and it is such a trip to venture into this world.

You can find prints that are funny and cute, and others more magical and dreamy. It all depends on the kind of nursery you want to decorate for your child.

My personal favorites are the images that give you a glimpse into an unknown world where things are supernatural and beautiful. Chasing the Crayon, Ashley Percival, Little Cat Draw, and Matte Stephens do this with peculiar characters in special circumstances.

Chasing the CrayonEtsy Nursery Art -

Cool Wall by Ashley PercivalEtsy Nursery Art2 - jestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.comMatte

Blancucha has clean, simple and expressive illustrations. I am drawn to her characters and how effortless and unpretentious they are.

I also like the idea of illustrating cities by showing what makes them different and special. I am from LA and Confettie Love makes a colorful print that has the Hollywood sign and traffic below it. It is funny and pretty. Ilustración y Más makes a pastel version of cities around the world, though I couldn’t find one of LA. I really like the one of NY, which is just an amazing city in every sense of the word.

Confettieón y Má nursery art 12

Finally Fox & Velvet, I love Doodle, and Dawid Ryski go for more traditional subjects in vivid ways that will freshen up any kid’s room. I chose orange and red subjects to share with you in these pix, but they have art that beautifully features most any color you might want to have in your child’s room.

Fox &
I love

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