What I See A Lot On Pinterest – Hanging Rattan Chairs

Hanging rattan chairs are in almost every house I see on Pinterest. They are very cute, but I have always wondered if they are actually comfortable. To me, they don’t look like a chair you want to lay down and watch TV on, do they? But that odd, nest shape, and the fact that they hang from the ceiling, makes them visually attractive. Let’s take a look.

jestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com---rattan-chairs1 Furnishjestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com---rattan-chairs2 At Home In Lovejestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com---rattan-chairs3 Anson Smartjestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com---rattan-chairs4 Elle.frjestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com---rattan-chairs5 Waiting On Marthajestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com---rattan-chairs6 Picslovinjestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com---rattan-chairs7 Seventy Nine Ideasjestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com---rattan-chairs8 Decor Padjestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com---rattan-chairs9 Don’t know where I got this one from, sorry.jestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com---rattan-chairs10

At Home with Kelley Howley

VERY CUTE! Don’t you think? Do any of you have one? If yes, do you find it comfortable? Do you actually use it? I would like to have one on my porch or outdoor area, but they are expensive. It is not easy to find one for less than $450. Also, you need to make sure you have enough space to be able to swing on them, otherwise, what is the point?

As a side note, some years ago,  Jonathan Adler mentioned in this interview that the hanging chair is one of the items every house should have, and we all know that Jonathan Adler is the god of the interior designer world, so there you go.

Here is a round up of my favorite hanging rattan chairs out there. I found an Etsy shop that has them for just $250 (see last chairs on the list below). They are vintage and seem to be in pretty good condition.  I should grab one right now instead of writing this post. Have a nice weekend!

Hanging Rattan Chair by Two’s Company – Domino – $479.99 jestcafe---hanging-rattan-chairs-to-buy1 Hanging Rattan Bowl Chair by Out There Interiors. 495 Euros  -Ships to Great Britain onlyjestcafe---hanging-rattan-chairs-to-buy2 Hanging Rattan Chair by Serena & Lilly – $495jestcafe---hanging-rattan-chairs-to-buy3 Pod Hanging Chair by CB2 – $699jestcafe---hanging-rattan-chairs-to-buy4 Hanging Rattan Chair – Chairish -$539jestcafe---hanging-rattan-chairs-to-buy5 Vintage Hanging Rattan Chair – Etsy – $250jestcafe---hanging-rattan-chairs-to-buy6

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