What I See A Lot On Pinterest – Teepee In The Nursery

Are you a mother of a small child or soon to be one? Well, then you better have a teepee in your nursery or you should go and buy one right about now if you want your nursery to be featured anywhere else than your personal Facebook page. Right now, it is all about Native American décor with a twist (what I call gentrifying Native American art). Just type nursery in your Pinterest account and 90% of the pictures will have some kind of teepee in a corner.



What is the attraction of the teepees? Well, kids love hiding and parents love when they do, so it is a win, win situation, unless the child wants you to crawl into that tiny space and read him/her some books in a very uncomfortable position, in which case you should bring up your old age, and explain in basic words why your back pain kicks in when laying on the floor in any yoga position. After one minute of explanation, your child WILL give up (I have tried it). He or she will decide that it is more fun to go inside the teepee by him/herself (or with sibling in tow) than hearing all that aging nonsense.



So, there you go, I am not only giving you great design advice, but I am also giving you clear guidelines to be a better parent, all in one blog spot. Small steps, people. Small steps.




If you are sold and have decided to buy what is also known as a tipi, here are some of your options:


Little Me Teepee – Etsy

Land of Nod


AZ Teepee – Etsyjestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com--etsy-teepee Tiny TeePee – Etsyjestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com--teepee-etsy1 Lil’ Brett & Co Tents – Etsyjestcafecom.bigscoots-staging.com-Teeppe-from-etsyMaple and Spud Designs – Etsy

If you are a hardcore DIY, first, let me say that I admire you and wish to be like you, and, second, let me show you this extremely cute teepee with a link to a step by step guide that will show you how to create it all by yourself. When done, please, send pictures my way. I would love to see it and envy you some more.

Dress This Nest  DIY

Image Source: 12345 6

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